Venue 48 - Stone River Tattoo Company - 19 Easter Road

OPEN HOUSE - Tattoo studio with incredible artists

Stone River Tattoo Company would like to invite you to an open day! During the Colony of Artists festival their studio will transform into a gallery displaying paintings by their eclectic bunch of artists. From paintings by their resident tattoo artist and world renowned painter Emanuel de Sousa to prints by their apprentices. You will able to meet and get to know their tattoo artists and their art , see and purchase originals and prints.

Come and get your free temporary tattoo of a bee of your choice!  All temporary tattoos are drawn by their artists reflecting their signature style, pick which one you love the most and show your support for the Colony of Artists! 

Stone River Tattoo Company is a private, appointment-only studio located at 19 Easter Road, Edinburgh, Scotland. The studio is run by life and business partners, Jake and Vytaute. They live in the local area with their two daughters who go to Abbeyhill Primary and their dog, Soba. They have always worked to a high standard and, as professionals, they aim to create a well-rounded, high-end tattoo studio that, at the same time, is warm and welcoming. Something they have noticed over time is how tattoos can be very healing, inspiring and meaningful, with this in mind, they want to help you develop your ideas for tattoos that depict self- exploration and growth. Facilitating a transformative experience that will last a lifetime.
