VENUE 16 - Cerys Scorey, 25 Regent Place

Artist & Illustrator

Cerys Scorey uses drawing as a tool to engage directly with her surroundings and to evoke a sense of place. Previously, themes of habit, time and routine have weaved their way into her projects as an attempt to make sense of a chaotic world and a busy mind. Yet upon discovering her love for observing and documenting people and environments, in sketchbooks that she carries with her day-to-day, order has given way to a messy, instinctive, and energising approach to drawing. These sketchbooks integrate image-making into everything Cerys does, blurring the line between creative practice and everyday life.  

She is currently embracing this philosophy in new ways by exploring new aspects of image-making that invite unpredictable outcomes, such as print-making and mixing up mediums on a larger scale.  

Cerys is orginally from Cardiff, Wales. Since graduating from Kingston School of Art with a BA in Illustration Animation in 2020, she has continued to use drawing as a tool to engage directly with her surroundings and to evoke a sense of place. 

Cerys now lives in Edinburgh, working part-time as a project worker, supporting and facilitating workshops for adults with learning disabilities and autism. Since making the move, she has also completed an Art History masters at ECA and recently had her first solo exhibition Comfort Zone at Granton Hub.  
