VENUE 39 - Lorraine Pritchard, 17 Waverley Place

Mask Maker

Lorraine Pritchard is an accomplished mask maker in the Venetian style and draws upon her experience in graphic design, model making, illustration, jewellery making and mixed media artforms to create works of wearable art and statement 3d wall art.

“Masks convey, transform and transcend personality & character whilst transfixing the imagination and that is what I hope to capture in my 3d artworks; some wearable, some purely decorative but the objective is always the same - to provoke emotion; from behind the mask, through the mask and of the mask” 

Lorraine has for the past two years been a ‘mask’ herself at the renowned Venice Carnival wearing different masks of her own design, as a live exhibit of her work. She is currently designing and creating masks & costumes for both herself and select clients for next year’s event.

Lorraine originally studied model making at Glasgow College of Building and Printing and in 2018 completed a course of study in Venetian mask making with master sculptor and mask maker Agostino Dessi in Florence, Italy.  

Her artworks adorn the walls of homes and businesses in Australia, USA, Europe and the UK, with a collection on permanent display in a luxury boutique hotel in Venice. 

She is currently working on commissions for clients across the globe participating in Venice Carnival 2024 and other masked events.
