VENUE 23 - Tess Glen, 17 Regent Place

Paintings, Drawings, & Words

Tess Glen’s practice encompasses painting, printmaking, and writing, though drawing from observation is always her starting point. Her work is bound together by a fascination with atmosphere and the idea that spaces have many possible facts and fictions embedded in them. She strives to depict the way our inner and outer lives blend, whether on the tiled floor of an interior or in an overgrown, light filled garden. She often works from descriptions in literature and poetry, and she has previously collaborated with writers on book illustrations and larger scale installations. She is interested in the way worlds in the mind are created through the meeting of words and images.  

Her process is very spontaneous and playful. She takes an experimental approach to different mediums as she feels that allowing images to drift in and out, accidents to happen and new ideas to take hold important part of the final work. 
