VENUE 32 - Crafts By Crang, 18 Waverley Place

Prints, Jewellery & Clay Models

James Crang is a busy animator who loves to make things in his spare time, his work has a focus on colour and patterns, with bright vivid earrings, badges, and lino prints, as well as lots of shiny things (he’s a bit of a magpie). He loves using different materials, polymer clay, resin, gold and silver. And is enjoying his latest series of earrings featuring miniature hand painted replicas of famous artworks. 

James’ print collection focuses on creating striking yet serene images, depicting landscapes and nature, as well as letting his whimsical side come out through some sillier prints. As a multimedia artist it’s been great to play around with new mediums all the time, and create some stunning and unique items with it.  

Recently James has been experimenting with creating terrazzo trinket/soap dishes which has been a great experience trying out a new medium. 

James loves sharing the process behind his work, so be sure to check out his instagram to see the process behind all of his works. 

Having exhibited twice before at the Colony of Artists, James can’t wait for this year’s festival! 

As a freelance animator James has received numerous awards for his films and has been working on a new project with GMAC Film. In his down-time he’s been working on lots of new prints and jewellery that he’s excited to share with everyone this September. 
