VENUE 42 - Jonas Laugs – jfml, 10 Carlyle Place


Jonas Laugs (jfml) grew up in the north of Germany and has always loved nature and the sea, forest creatures as well as everything fantastic. He studied graphic design with a focus on illustration and spent a year in Istanbul as an Erasmus student. While it’s an amazing city he did miss the solitude and quiet of the northern wilderness. So when he moved to Scotland with its rugged landscape and stormy seas he felt right at home.

Just as he loves many aspects of graphic design he is also inspired by different sources when it comes to his illustrations be it the Pre-Raphaelites, graphic novels, manga & anime, or videogames and children’s books.

He has been working as a freelance designer for more than ten years. And while graphic design like typography, layout, icon & logo design is just his cup of speciality coffee he also enjoys creating illustrations for use in animations.

Lately he has rediscovered his love for 3D/CGI professionally as well as a hobby. Creating three-dimensional objects and places is as fascinating to him as drawing those worlds.
